Monday, November 3, 2008

ONOMATO-[pin-yacht-AAHHH!] on November 10th @ 8pm!

Please join the Editors of Fact-Simile Editions for a fun-filled evening of
nefarious noises at The Larimer Lounge, November 10, at 8pm.

Kurt Schwitters. John Cage. Harry Partch. Do you know what I mean? If so, we
want YOU! Or maybe you play the bassoon. Maybe you're a bat-man fan dying to
do your best Adam West impersonation. If not, that's okay too...maybe you
have a crazy hidden noise-talent that you never before had a venue for. We
want you too.

If you DO have a noise or two that you'd like to share with the group,
please email your ideas to TRAVIS@FACT-SIMILE.COM for consideration. We will
make every attempt to accommodate every single conceivable notion proposed.


All audience members and participants are strongly encouraged to bring a
small, legal, non-lethal, light and sharpless object to contribute to the

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