Saturday, November 8, 2008

Whoops! Resched! November 24th, not November 10th

We're still doing awesomely amazing things on a Monday in November, we're just doing them on a different day: NOVEMBER 24 NOT november 10.

Who knows who might show up?

Who knows how you might feel because you did?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pics from Ekphrasis Exist!

Check out our flickr page for all the goodies

ONOMATO-[pin-yacht-AAHHH!] on November 10th @ 8pm!

Please join the Editors of Fact-Simile Editions for a fun-filled evening of
nefarious noises at The Larimer Lounge, November 10, at 8pm.

Kurt Schwitters. John Cage. Harry Partch. Do you know what I mean? If so, we
want YOU! Or maybe you play the bassoon. Maybe you're a bat-man fan dying to
do your best Adam West impersonation. If not, that's okay too...maybe you
have a crazy hidden noise-talent that you never before had a venue for. We
want you too.

If you DO have a noise or two that you'd like to share with the group,
please email your ideas to TRAVIS@FACT-SIMILE.COM for consideration. We will
make every attempt to accommodate every single conceivable notion proposed.


All audience members and participants are strongly encouraged to bring a
small, legal, non-lethal, light and sharpless object to contribute to the